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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gpodder.net API Client
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import mygpoclient
import os
import urllib
from mygpoclient import util
class Locator(object):
"""URI Locator for API endpoints
This helper class abstracts the URIs for the gpodder.net
webservice and provides a nice facility for generating API
URIs and checking parameters.
SIMPLE_FORMATS = ('opml', 'json', 'txt')
SETTINGS_TYPES = ('account', 'device', 'podcast', 'episode')
def __init__(self, username, host=mygpoclient.HOST,
self._username = username
self._simple_base = 'http://%(host)s' % locals()
self._base = 'http://%(host)s/api/%(version)s' % locals()
def _convert_since(self, since):
"""Convert "since" into a numeric value
This is internally used for value-checking.
return int(since)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('since must be a numeric value (or None)')
def subscriptions_uri(self, device_id, format='opml'):
"""Get the Simple API URI for a subscription list
>>> locator = Locator('john')
>>> locator.subscriptions_uri('n800')
>>> locator.subscriptions_uri('ipod', 'txt')
if format not in self.SIMPLE_FORMATS:
raise ValueError('Unsupported file format')
filename = '%(device_id)s.%(format)s' % locals()
return util.join(self._simple_base,
'subscriptions', self._username, filename)
def toplist_uri(self, count=50, format='opml'):
"""Get the Simple API URI for the toplist
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.toplist_uri()
>>> locator.toplist_uri(70)
>>> locator.toplist_uri(10, 'json')
if format not in self.SIMPLE_FORMATS:
raise ValueError('Unsupported file format')
filename = 'toplist/%(count)d.%(format)s' % locals()
return util.join(self._simple_base, filename)
def suggestions_uri(self, count=10, format='opml'):
"""Get the Simple API URI for user suggestions
>>> locator = Locator('john')
>>> locator.suggestions_uri()
>>> locator.suggestions_uri(50)
>>> locator.suggestions_uri(70, 'json')
if format not in self.SIMPLE_FORMATS:
raise ValueError('Unsupported file format')
filename = 'suggestions/%(count)d.%(format)s' % locals()
return util.join(self._simple_base, filename)
def search_uri(self, query, format='opml'):
"""Get the Simple API URI for podcast search
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.search_uri('outlaws')
>>> locator.search_uri(':something?', 'txt')
>>> locator.search_uri('software engineering', 'json')
if format not in self.SIMPLE_FORMATS:
raise ValueError('Unsupported file format')
query = urllib.quote_plus(query)
filename = 'search.%(format)s?q=%(query)s' % locals()
return util.join(self._simple_base, filename)
def add_remove_subscriptions_uri(self, device_id):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for uploading list diffs
>>> locator = Locator('bill')
>>> locator.add_remove_subscriptions_uri('n810')
filename = '%(device_id)s.json' % locals()
return util.join(self._base,
'subscriptions', self._username, filename)
def subscription_updates_uri(self, device_id, since=None):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for downloading list diffs
The parameter "since" is optional and should be a numeric
value (otherwise a ValueError is raised).
>>> locator = Locator('jen')
>>> locator.subscription_updates_uri('n900')
>>> locator.subscription_updates_uri('n900', 1234)
filename = '%(device_id)s.json' % locals()
if since is not None:
since = self._convert_since(since)
filename += '?since=%(since)d' % locals()
return util.join(self._base,
'subscriptions', self._username, filename)
def upload_episode_actions_uri(self):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for uploading episode actions
>>> locator = Locator('thp')
>>> locator.upload_episode_actions_uri()
filename = self._username + '.json'
return util.join(self._base, 'episodes', filename)
def download_episode_actions_uri(self, since=None,
podcast=None, device_id=None):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for downloading episode actions
The parameter "since" is optional and should be a numeric
value (otherwise a ValueError is raised).
Both "podcast" and "device_id" are optional and exclusive:
"podcast" should be a podcast URL
"device_id" should be a device ID
>>> locator = Locator('steve')
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri()
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri(since=1337)
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri(podcast='http://example.org/episodes.rss')
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri(since=2000, podcast='http://example.com/')
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri(device_id='ipod')
>>> locator.download_episode_actions_uri(since=54321, device_id='ipod')
if podcast is not None and device_id is not None:
raise ValueError('must not specify both "podcast" and "device_id"')
filename = self._username + '.json'
params = []
if since is not None:
since = str(self._convert_since(since))
params.append(('since', since))
if podcast is not None:
params.append(('podcast', podcast))
if device_id is not None:
params.append(('device', device_id))
if params:
filename += '?' + '&'.join('%s=%s' % (key, urllib.quote(value)) for key, value in params)
return util.join(self._base, 'episodes', filename)
def device_settings_uri(self, device_id):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for setting per-device settings uploads
>>> locator = Locator('mike')
>>> locator.device_settings_uri('ipod')
filename = '%(device_id)s.json' % locals()
return util.join(self._base, 'devices', self._username, filename)
def device_list_uri(self):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving the device list
>>> locator = Locator('jeff')
>>> locator.device_list_uri()
filename = self._username + '.json'
return util.join(self._base, 'devices', filename)
def toptags_uri(self, count=50):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving the top Tags
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.toptags_uri()
>>> locator.toptags_uri(70)
filename = '%(count)d.json' % locals()
return util.join(self._base, 'tags', filename)
def podcasts_of_a_tag_uri(self, tag, count=50):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving the top Podcasts of a Tag
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.podcasts_of_a_tag_uri('linux')
>>> locator.podcasts_of_a_tag_uri('linux',70)
filename = '%(tag)s/%(count)d.json' % locals()
return util.join(self._base, 'tag', filename)
def podcast_data_uri(self, podcast_url):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving Podcast Data
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.podcast_data_uri('http://podcast.com')
filename = 'podcast.json?url=%s' % urllib.quote(podcast_url)
return util.join(self._base, 'data', filename)
def episode_data_uri(self, podcast_url, episode_url):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving Episode Data
>>> locator = Locator(None)
>>> locator.episode_data_uri('http://podcast.com','http://podcast.com/foo')
filename = 'episode.json?podcast=%s&url=%s' % (urllib.quote(podcast_url), urllib.quote(episode_url))
return util.join(self._base, 'data', filename)
def favorite_episodes_uri(self):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for listing favorite episodes
>>> locator = Locator('mike')
>>> locator.favorite_episodes_uri()
filename = self._username + '.json'
return util.join(self._base, 'favorites', filename)
def settings_uri(self, type, scope_param1, scope_param2):
"""Get the Advanced API URI for retrieving or saving Settings
Depending on the Type of setting scope_param2 or scope_param1 and scope_param2 are
not necessary.
>>> locator = Locator('joe')
>>> locator.settings_uri('account',None,None)
>>> locator.settings_uri('device','foodevice',None)
>>> locator.settings_uri('podcast','http://podcast.com',None)
>>> locator.settings_uri('episode','http://podcast.com','http://podcast.com/foo')
if type not in self.SETTINGS_TYPES:
raise ValueError('Unsupported Setting Type')
filename = self._username + '/%(type)s.json' % locals()
if type is 'device':
if scope_param1 is None:
raise ValueError('Devicename not specified')
filename += '?device=%(scope_param1)s' % locals()
if type is 'podcast':
if scope_param1 is None:
raise ValueError('Podcast URL not specified')
filename += '?podcast=%s' % urllib.quote(scope_param1)
if type is 'episode':
if (scope_param1 is None) or (scope_param2 is None):
raise ValueError('Podcast or Episode URL not specified')
filename += '?podcast=%s&episode=%s' % (urllib.quote(scope_param1), urllib.quote(scope_param2))
return util.join(self._base, 'settings' , filename)